原出处:《Improve Your Eyesight Naturally》
2.00D以下只是轻度近视,只有在看远处的一些细节时才会受到影响。你可以通过做眼保健操和遵循以下的建议来 恢复视力:
• 只有在. 必要时才戴眼镜。阅读和办公不需要眼镜。给你的眼睛一个调整的机会。
• 用视力表看越来越低的线,较 后往下看清楚底线。
• 培养眼睛从近处移动到远处物体的习惯。
• 通过做摇摆的动作来提高你的视力(见下文)。
This is mild myopia that only interferes with detailed vision at a distance. You can recover from this fairly quickly by doing eye exercises and following this advice:
• Wear lenses only when absolutely necessary. You do not need glasses for reading and deskwork. Give your eyes a chance to adjust.
• Work with the eye-chart to see lower and lower lines, finally moving down to see the bottom line clearly.
• Develop the habit of moving your eyes from near to far objects. • Sharpen your vision by swinging (see below). 视力表是一种. 装置,可以用来监测你的进度。这样做的目的是为了能够看到表上尽可能多的线条。把视力表挂在光线充足的地方。测量出3米的距离,每隔1米设一个标记。
1. 在光线好的时间 把视力表挂在墙上。
2. 你自己站在距离视力表3米的地方,在不需要费力气的情况下读到你能看到的较
3.现今 较 后一个字母是“N”。现今 用手蒙住眼睛,记住“N”。你脑海中的画面会帮助你看清它下面的字母,是一个“D”。沿着图表继续这个过程。
4. 如果你盯着这一行的较 后一个字母,你会发现这一行的所有字母都变得模糊了。闭上眼睛看. 个字母是有益的。交替眨眼,将你的注意力从. 个字母转移到较 后一个字母。你会发现你可以通过简单地闭上眼睛来阅读这一行的所有字母。
当你只有1.00或2.00的近视时,这个视力表练习特别有用。但是当近视屈光度超过5.00时,你就连图表的. 个字母都看不清了。使用视力表进行训练的较 佳距离是你能看清视力表下半部分时的距离。随着你能看清的行数越来越多,你逐渐看清了视力表上所有的字母,较 后你就可以从3米外的距离看清20 20那一行了。
How to practice with the eye-chart
The eye-chart (Snellen card) serves as a feedback device for you to monitor your progress. The objective is to be able to see as many lines down the chart as possible. Place the chart in a spot where there is good daylight. Measure out the exact distance of 3 meters and place markers at 1 meter intervals.
Here are Dr
1. Place the eye-chart on a wall in good daylight.
2. Place yourself 3 meters from the chart and read as far as you can without effort. Alongside each line there are small letters indicating distance. Along the big letter “E” the figure is 20. The second to last line on the eye-chart can be read from a distance of 3 meters.
3. Now, let’s say you can read as far down as the fifth line. You will notice that the last letter on that line is an “N.”Now palm your eyes and remember the “N.” This mental picture will help you to see the letter directly below, which is a “D.” Continue this process down the chart.
4. If you stare at the last letter on the line you will notice that all the letters on that line will blur. It is beneficial to close your eyes briefly and shift to look at the first letter. Alternate blinking and shifting your attention from the first letter to the last letter. You will find you can read all the letters on that line by closing your eyes briefly for each letter. The eye-chart exercise is especially useful when you have just 1 or 2 diopters of correction. With more than 5 diopters you cant see the first letter of the chart. The best distance to train with the eye-chart is the place where you can work with the lower half of the chart. As you get to see more and more lines you move away from the chart. Finally you will be able to see the 20 20 line from a distance of 3 meters. 摇摆练习是贝茨医生开发的另一种放松眼睛和增强视力的练习。摇摆的方式有以下几种。
较 简单的摇摆
1. 双脚稍稍分开站立,这样你就稳稳地站在了地上。把你的意识放在视力表上,找到一条你能区分字母但不能清楚看到它们的线。
2. 开始左右摇摆你的身体。让你的眼睛来回扫视这条线三到四次。然后闭上眼睛,停止摇晃。
This is another exercise developed by Dr. Bates to relax the eyes and develop sharpness. There are several ways of doing the swing.
The simple sway
1. Stand with your feet slightly apart so you are firmly grounded. Place your awareness on the eye-chart and find a line where you can distinguish the letters but cannot see them clearly.
2. Begin to sway your body from side to side. Allow your eyes to sweep across the line back and forth three or four times. Close your eyes and stop swaying. 3. When you feel centered, open your eyes and find one letter on the line. Look at the top part of the letter and then look at the bottom part of the letter. Allow an opening to take place. You will notice a sharpening of the letters and possibly the entire line. 长半径的摇摆
以你的腰部为轴心旋转你的身体,以 长的半径做180度的摇摆。你可以让你的眼睛慢慢地跟踪周围的物体。一开始练习会比较慢。但速度并不重要——只要用较 放松的方式练习就可以了。在一定范围内的不同距离做长距离的摆动。你会发现看东西开始变得清晰起来。
The long swing With the long swing you are turning your body at the waist, moving in a 180° sweep. You allow your eyes to slowly trace objects in the environment. In the beginning work rather slowly. Speed is not important – simply practice in the way that is most relaxing. Do the long swing at di 眼球的摇摆
这种摆动只能用眼睛来完成。看一个单词或短句,从开头到结尾扫几次。短暂地闭上眼睛,然后回头看看这个单词。你会发现现今 一切都很清楚了。
几个世纪前,日本武士发现,在射箭训练中,通过视觉跟踪箭的路径到达目标的战士,视觉技能得到了提高。甚至那些视力正常的人也发现他们的视力有了 的提高。日本的大师可能会对他的学生说,“看看树,然后看看一个树枝,然后看看一片叶子,再看看叶子的脉络,较 后看看一片叶子的. 。”“本质上,这种焦点的变化提供了自然清晰视力的关键。”
The eye swing
This swing is performed only with the eyes. Look at a word or short sentence and sweep across from beginning to end several times. Briefly close your eyes and then look back at the word. You will discover that it is now clear. Centuries ago the Japanese Samurai discovered that during archery training the warriors who visually followed the path of the arrow to their target experienced an improvement in their visual skills. Even those who had normal eyesight found a significant improvement in their ability to see. The Japanese master might say to his students, “Look at the tree, then look at a single branch, then look at a single leaf, then look at the veins in the leaf, and finally look at the tip of one leaf.” In essence, this variation of focus provides a key to natural clear eyesight.
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